BedBath&BeyondWedding Registry

As one of the top wedding registry brands, Bed Bath & Beyond regularly sought eye-catching and engaging promotional updates across their platforms and channels.

Client / Year

BedBath&Beyond / 2016-2021


Senior Graphic Designer
Lead Digital Designer


Photo Direction & Curation
Editorial Design
Social Campaigns
Email Campaigns


Created at Fahlgren Mortine
CD / Jessica Young
AD / Alisia Mitzel
Copy / Steph Subel


⸺ Annual Catalog

A 60+ page print catalog distributed at BedBath&Beyond’s bridal trade shows and events. This was their bread and butter for decades for selling brand-name products.

⸺ Photoshoot Art Direction

Image updates often aligned themselves with the annual print or digital launch products. The days were long but the prep was longer.

⸺ Website Updates

Influencers, January rushes, product spotlights, oh my! We ran monthly website updates and often aligned these to our social or email campaigns.

⸺ Digital Experience

In 2020, the brand took a new approach to product shopping and launched a digital, interactive version of their print catalog.

⸺ Social Campaigns

Primarily focused on the latest hot product or trending experience, these social campaigns were launched bi-monthly.

⸺ Email Campaigns

A 12-14 series email campaign was designed to target individuals who created registries but exited the experience before adding products.

The Wedding RegistryPrint Catalog

The annual wedding registry printed catalog was a 60+ page collection of memories, experiences and of course the products that brought them to fruition.

The project process was broken down into many stages from start to finish. The team met with BedBath&Beyond sellers and home experts to learn about the top products for the year to then curate stories using the highest priority items. From these stories, we then created the pagination for the book to see how the stories flowed together and where additional content could fit in.

The designers then move into an illustration/wireframing stage where we’d create nearly identical scenes to what we hoped to capture as far as product styling, talent usage and propping so we could quickly move into production and photography.

During the production prep, writing would begin for the stories while layouts were prepped. From start to finish, the annual catalog projects typically took around 8 months to a year to complete.

Social Media Campaigns

Influencer Campaigns

Digital Guide Design